A Success Story – In the heart of a quaint countryside.

A now semi-retired couple whose spirits overflowed with warmth and kindness.

These two soulmates embarked on a journey to find their slice of paradise — a spacious retreat where they could indulge in their passions and nurture their souls.Their quest led them to seek a retirement property, a haven where they could expand their horizons, both in terms of hobbies and the variety of animals they lovingly cared for.

Music, a lifelong passion, beckoned for freedom to create and express at any hour of the day. Their plan was to refinance their property at a low loan to value with the goal to transition out of private lending and pay down some other debt. Conventional lenders were hesitant to extend financing given the animals on the hobby farm which included adorable pot belly pig. Farm Lending took a more common-sense approach offering funding based on their request and helping them reduce their mortgage rate and transition out of. private lending. The borrowers were able to continue with their passions on their hobby farm and improve their cash flow budget.

Empowered by this newfound stability, the couple flourished on their 8.26 – acre property. Their land became a sanctuary not only for themselves but also for the community’s furry companions. Collaborating closely with a local veterinarian, they ensure each feline guest receives the attention and support needed to thrive and find new homes.

Farm Lending Canada is proud to have helped this bright couple achieve their dreams — for themselves, their beloved animals, and the community they cherish.

Have questions or seeking more details? Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.