Add Agriculture to your Business Card

As a seasoned mortgage broker, you’re well aware that the world of lending is vast and diverse, with clients from various backgrounds seeking tailored financial solutions. The agricultural sector, in particular, present a unique set of challenges, especially when dealing with complex farming financing needs.

Farm Lending Canada is your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of agricultural financing. With our deep understanding of farming operations, industry dynamics, and the complexities that come with rural ventures, we stand ready to assist you in delivering exceptional solutions for your clients’ unique lending requirements.

Find out how to partner with us.

Navigate Your Clients’ Agricultural
Lending Needs With Us

We Provide Financing For:

Operating Capital

Provide farmers with the working capital needed for day-to-day operations including purchasing seeds, fertilizers, equipment maintenance, and labour costs.

Equipment Purchases

Farmers often require specialized equipment, such as tractors, harvesters, and irrigation systems. Equipment loans provide financing for the purchase of lease of these assets.

Solar and Wind Energy Projects

With a focus on sustainability, these loans support the installation of renewable energy systems such as solar panels, wind turbines and biomass facilities on farms.

Farmland Purchases

Agricultural real estate loans are used to purchase, refinance or develop farmland.

Land Tiling and Land Improvements

These loans support on-farm improvements such as building infrastructure (barns, silos, storage facilities for equipment, feed and grain), irrigation systems and other enhancements that contribute to increased productivity and efficiency.


Specialized financial options designed to support the establishment, expansion, or improvement of greenhouse operations.

Agri-Business Financing

Tailored for businesses involved in food processing, packaging, distribution, and other agricultural-related activities. These loans often cover various needs, including expansion, equipment upgrades and working capital.

Hobby Farm, Rural Residential & Commercial Ag Zoning

Starting your journey into the agricultural space offers exciting opportunities, but it begins with a crucial foundation: understanding zoning regulations. If your client approaches you with agricultural zoning or commercial zoning to support agricultural production, we can help.

With Farm Lending Canada’s guidance, you gain unparalleled insights into zoning nuances, property valuations, and financing dynamics.


A unique mortgage opportunity for Mortgage Brokers to help finance Canadian Hobby Farms and Rural Property.

In the diverse landscape of Canada, the allure of hobby farms is not just a lifestyle choice but a dream that resonates with many individuals and families.


  1. All land value and an outbuilding included in property valuation: One of the standout features of our new mortgage product is our approach to property valuation. When evaluating rural properties, we don’t just consider the main dwelling; we also include the value of the land and any outbuildings – there is no restriction to 5 or 10 acres of land. This comprehensive assessment ensures that your clients receive a fair and accurate valuation that reflects the entirety of their investment – and recognizes that the allure of these properties also include access to acreage, and outbuildings. We find it odd not to include outbuilding value when the outbuilding is a primary draw to a rural property – whether to store some toys, work on classic cars, or have a place for the farm pets!
  2. A unique approach to debt servicing with hobby farm income: Understanding the unique financial dynamics of rural living, our mortgage product allows for a game-changing feature. If the property generates income, up to $20,000 of that income can be utilized in debt servicing. For example, if the back 10 acres are rented to a local farmer for cash crops, that rental income can be used in debt servicing. This innovative approach opens new possibilities for clients with properties that contribute to their financial well-being.
  3. Extended debt ratios: prime and alternative solutions: We recognize that every client is unique, and their financial situations vary. Our new mortgage product offers a spectrum of solutions, including prime and alternative options. With debt ratios available up to 50/50, we provide flexibility to accommodate a wide range of financial profiles, ensuring that your clients can find the solution that best suits their needs.
  4. Finder’s fees for brokers: To express our gratitude for your partnership, we are offering finders fees on these mortgages. Your dedication and expertise deserve to be recognized, and we are committed to rewarding you for your role in helping clients secure their dream rural properties.

Who do we lend to?

We work with more than farms. Our clients span any agriculture-related business, as long as it’s zoned agricultural or commercially zoned to support agricultural production – from greenhouses, to cheese factories, to direct retail stores.

We provide capital lending solutions suitable for every stage and situation: traditional financing, alternative financing and bridge financing. No matter where a borrower starts their journey, our ultimate goal is setting clients up for long-term success and transitioning them back to traditional financing.